Monday, January 05, 2009


Am beginning my New Year with a very familiar old feeling- guilt. Guilt at not having kept at my exercise regime, at not having posted anything on this blog for ages now, and especially for not having penned any new poetry. Best of all, what started out as a dream is still just that. Am referring to my great hopes about starting a children's book. Maybe someday this year I will finally get down to it.

I used to hate people who said they just didnt have the time. How can you not have time? Time is the only one thing we humans have an abundance of. I mean there ARE after all 24 hours in a day. Of late I find myself saying I dont have time to do a lot of things. I forgot to send xmas cards to everybody, didnt have time to send mails on orkut wishing everybody a new Year, and I even didnt call my best friend on new years either. Its helps that she doesnt really expect me to do things like that and if we talk today it will still feel like the conversation never ended between us. All I find I have time to do right now is juggling the most basic duties of a wife- cooking, cleaning, washing, taking care of the kid. When somebody asks you what you do during the day, its really no thrill to reel off this boring list. People give me the look like- whaa? thats ALL you do? Yes mister, of late that's ALL I do. Its not that I want things to be like this, but somehow it is. I dont even get time to read. That kills me in a way. What is a writer if he doesnt read?

So at the end of this- am happier that one new post has been added to my blog. And while I was away at it, my kid who is doing his best to crawl, walk and sit at the same time, just rolled over and banged his head on the floor. Needless to say all his bawling and the tears running down his beautiful eyes were enough to make me feel guilty again. And for lunch am having a pizza. I know I will relish it today, but tomorrow when am back at the gym, I know am going to feel miserable thinking of how my one hour of sweating ahs only successfully burned up 300 of the 1000 calories. Guilt. I tell you, she is the one you want to watch out for !

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