Wednesday, June 03, 2009

This cruel world

Something's happening of late. Not just to me, but to the whole world I think. The older I get, the more I am convinced that this world we inhabit is getting crueler by the day. The parameters by which people are judged are changing too. Its becoming necessary to be a master at manipulation, have conversation twisting abilities and if you can bullshit your way through life, then good for you. I think the days when people thought it necessary to be good, and were genuinely good are now gone. Every day somebody is judging you in a cruel manner maybe without even knowing you, and it hurts.

When I was a pig tailed, red frocked little girl, it wasnt a big thing to go and play in the park with your friends. Or go to the store to buy a magazine, or even buy an ice cream cone from a vendor. Or even talk to a neighbour. It isnt that same world anymore. Today, I dont think I would be ok with letting my kid go alone and play in the park, I would get suspicious if he spoke too long with any neighbour or too frequently, and I probably would get him a cornetto over ice cream from a vendor. You get the drift. Maybe I am wrong in judging my neighbour. But the media is to blame. I have read enough of awful news to know that being a bit suspicious and careful is better than having a lackadaisical attitude.

If denying my kid a normal childhood in this dirty world wasn't a crime enough, I know I cannot protect him from further judgements that the world will make of him someday very soon. He will be judged either as a brilliant child or an ordinary one. What is wrong with being ordinary? Truthfully nothing at all, but in today's world it is a shortfall to be anything less than brilliant. An 'ordinary' kid, may never have Pavrotti like talent, Picasso like hand, or even Gates' genius. So he is a failure already. Yet, an ordinary kid may just be a lot more happier than a brilliant one, who has the burden of competition and expectations to shoulder from a young age. Who the hell are school authorities to tell me that my child will never make it 'big"? And where in lies the proof of such failure? Why, everybody else scored 10 on 10 for the maths test and my kid scored only 7.

This horrible crushing pressure of enormous expectations is showing on children. Dont tell me the kid who hanged himself because he scored only 97% in his exams, was playing around with a rope. Or the child who drank poison, on failing to get a seat in the college of his choice, thought he was drinking plain milk. It is almost as if, children themselves are heaving off a final sigh, through such drastic actions resulting in their deaths. Like they have had enough, and just want to be left alone. I empathise with their unspoken words.

I was miserable for the past few days. People who were at the bottom of the class, are now earning 6 and 7 figure salaries. Everybody has cruised ahead to make their mark in life, and what have I done? Nothing much really. I am probably at the same position I was 2 years back before I got married. Advice is really nice to hear when you are feeling happy and on top of the world, and it really stings to try and follow it when you are feeling low. I try to remember what dad always said- the grass is greener on the other side. I felt so ashamed. Here I was, doing to myself what the world does to everybody else. Being judgemental. Measuring my worth, my talents, capabilities and everything that is essentially me, in figures. I know that if I want it bad enough, I can still make it to CEO before I become a decrepit hag. Its bad enough when the world judges you from the stands, but let me tell you its worse when you do it to yourself.

Love yourself first, before anybody else. And parents. Love your children enough to let them make it on their own, instead of pushing them to live your unfulfilled dreams.

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