Sunday, October 26, 2008


Never was a baby born more beautiful, more sweet,

Yet every mother feels this way,

Never did a more perfect creation nestle close to me,

Like you did today.

There must be a God,

Who crafted you the way he did,

The cherubic cheeks, the angelic smile,

The eyelashes that curl from each lid,

I love the way you hold my finger,

In your little palm so tight,

And the way you carelessly hug me,

In the quiet of the night.

You hold my world in your smile,

And yet so unknowingly,

A single teardrop in your big black eyes,

Kills me slowly.

I know that you love the outdoors,

And the tall, huge willow tree,

The many colours of Mother Nature,

Singing their hearts free.

Dangers lurk,

In the world outside your door,

Cruelty and selfishness abound,

And pain to make your tender heart sore.

Stay here in my arms, my baby boy,

And let your mother fight for you,

Where you only need to stay happy and smile,

Waking up to each morning new.

Yet I know that I must let you,

Walk on and leave me by,

As I watch you fight and bleed from battle,

Or fail even when you try.

Then, even if I can feel,

The hot tears arise,

I will hold them down with all my might,

And merely wipe my eyes.

You need to know that,

My love is possessive yet true,

And even when I am looking from above,

That I will forever be guarding you.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Beautiful Poem... Sanju keep going ....