Thursday, May 21, 2009

10 Things I did lately

1.Invited 3 mothers and 3 kids I have never seen before to my baby's first birthday party. No, they werent picked off the street or something; they happen to live in the same condo as me, just that I havent seen them before !

2. Made chicken biryani- the biryani was a treat to the tastebuds and successfully finished up half of it myself.

3. Went to a book sale and picked up 5 more books to read sometime in this lifetime. Yes motherhood slowly strangles even good hobbies.

4. Wrote another comeback poem for the darc website, which was nicely received and promptly havent penned anythig after that.

5. Taught my baby boy how to walk. Now, he does it on his own. Ape teaches younger ape.

6. Wrote a story for a children's website which will be made into an animated cartoon for kids.

7. Started waking up at 7:00 am again, irrespective of whether I slept the earlier night or not. Had forgotten what the sky past sunrise looked like.

8. Called up my grandma, and spoke to her for 2 mins flat. Which is a huge feat in itself.

9. Signed up for twitter and then decided that it was a huge waste of thought space.

10. Applied to around 50 freelance writing projects of which two have promptly replied back. To tell me that I do not fit their current requirements.

1 comment:

Parama Ghosh said...

i loved reading it true...not only motherhood...a full-tym career also takes away so many interesting hobbies u have once had and enjoyed so much!!! a whole i cud relate so much to this blog....