Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I dont know why ad agencies, and website development firms dont reply once you respond to their mail. Or is it a strange phenomena peculiar only to Singapore? I cant tell you how upsetting it is to wait in anxiety and believe that maybe this bleak phase will be over soon. Soon the sun will shine, I will be asked to write a short story or some content, and I will finally have something more to wake up to in the mornings ( besides kiddos soiled diapers). It hasnt happened yet. Correspondences just hang in the mid air, leaving me to wonder what went wrong, and why it happened. Slowly eating away at my confidence. I have decided that I am going to focus on penning a few stories for children once I get back to Singapore. Do what I do best. Put my heart and soul in imagination. Last time my book of poems ( that I am fiercely proud of, despite the meagre book sale), was thus born. For the record, I could have sold more books, but I refused to give Amazon the right to alter or modify my poetry to suit commercial tastes. Thats like saying Gone with the Wind should have more sex scenes, so lets rewrite the book. I am not saying my poetry book is a classic, but every poet knows when he has written from the heart.

My exercise regime has gone for a toss. I have put on much weight in my arms ( probably going to give some wrestlers a run for their money), and I am really frustrated about it. Kiddo chooses the time when I am not around to go on a rampage. He has succesfully broken a bedside alarm clock, and he is eyeing more unbreakable stuff to break so nobody really wants to take care of him. Add to the fact that little champ has discovered the power of his teeth and chooses to bite his aunt and g-parents if they try disciplining him. My sister walks around with proud mementos of four teeth marks on her arms and shoulders. Now if only I could lose some weight running after him, and burn calories with my high decibel screams. Works for others, but of course wont work for me. Murph was right- damn old man- if something can go wrong, it will.

Right now, my computer could make even an ageing tortoise look like an olympic winner. The words appear on the screen a good ten seconds after I type them out. Which makes me quite reluctant to type much more. This is actually my twenty min break thru out the day. kiddo is fast asleep. I have been planning to write a song in honour of Mother Mary for two weeks now. Have done nothing better than play with the words in my mind. Let me try putting them down on paper. till next time- adios..

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