Saturday, September 26, 2009

10 things I love of late-

1. Making myself a real cup of coffee first thing in the morning. NOT nescafe. But REAL coffee. With a rich aroma that only real coffee could possess.

2. Hearing my kid call me 'mama'. Then 'mamamamamamamamamama'.

3. Feeling the muscles in my legs and stomach stiffen whenever I work out at the gym.

4. Waking up at 1:30 am in the morning, thinking I overslept and then realising that I have so many more hours of sleep ahead till my day actually begins.

5. Seeing my articles on Temasek Review and then responding to some scathing comments about the stand I have taken.

6. Working my creative brains off on a project, and then being complimented on my work by a client. Nothing but a comment like 'you delivered exactly what I wanted' could make me smile.

7. Waking up with an itinerary chock full of writing projects.

8. Being hugged by my little prince.

9. Making a dessert every week.

10. Talking for 30 minutes on the phone with mom. It always feels like I havent spoken to her enough.

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