Tuesday, June 08, 2010

E-Books and Me?

This time on my trip to India, I picked up around 15 new books ranging from biographies to non fiction and fiction. Seeing me struggle while packing my luggage ( although an allowance of 20 kg may seem a lot, trust me it really isn't) , dad asked me ' Do you know that they have this new concept called an e-book? You really don't have to keep buying so many books like this.' That made me stop and think. Me and E-Books? That's like saying Bipasha and Katrina have become great friends, or that Tom Hanks cant act at all, or even that Godzilla and King Kong are now best friends. The comparisons may be a tad too much, but that's just how strongly I feel about e-books. Or how strongly I DON'T feel about them.

Besides being an old fashioned writer who isn't in favour of too many high tech gizmos around, I love the feel of a book. The pages between your fingers, the smell of a fresh new book or the slightly old feel of an aged book are a few things you just cannot have with an e-book reader. Its great to fall asleep with a book on your tummy and its a wonderful companion on any journey. It doesn't even need any batteries or charging and can last generations if looked after properly. Sometimes, I think that I would like to leave back a wonderful bookcase filled with all sorts of books for my children and grand children. Chancing upon books that belonged to an older member of the family and enjoying them at your own pace is a really good feeling. When I came across some books on Osho and an entire Brittanica encyclopedia collection that belonged to my dad's father; I remember being so astonished. Who even knew that papa had such eclectic and different taste in reading? Now whenever I am accused of reading books that half of mankind has never heard of, I smile thinking that I may have gotten these genes from my grand father. Likewise, on my mothers side; I have my grandpa who I fondly called Bigdaddy to thank for my interest in thrillers and westerns. The point I'm trying to make is that, I could sample a bit of their reading tastes simply because they invested in books which could last generations. I doubt if an e-book reader will have that kind of shelf life.

In a nutshell, I'm one of the few who aren't going to swoon when they see a Kindle or an I Pad. It won't make any difference whatsoever. But a bookstore full of promising books that are just waiting to be purchased and read? Now that's something which can always make my heart skip a beat and leave me with an empty wallet! :-)


Anonymous said...

I can perfectly understand your aversion to e books...i hate them too. like you said, i too love the feel of a new book...the pages, that fresh smell...i mean i can very well hug a book and go to sleep with a satisfied smile on my lips, like kids (or even some adults who may not like to admit) do with a teddy bear or something ofthe sort! i am down with the blasted chicken-pox (finally..after me proudly telling everyone that ive still not got it...the damn thing finally got me down!). when i was done cursing the whole damn thing, i finally realised i had all the time in the world just to myself (being quarantined away in a room, lest i distribute the deadly virus to my offspring). suddenly, i find myself neck-deep in books books and more books, gobbling them up greedily since i havent read anything for a long long time...thanks to my tight hectic schedule. im telling you, the happiness i felt (ok, apart from the disastrous disease) living with just books. i mean i so totally was off email, chatting, phone calls, movies, no thoughts of work...it was peace. a love affair as i'd like to call it.
i guess you can make out by the way im purging my thoughts all over your blog.miss you sanju..and all our times together.

Anonymous said...

ooower...its me sangeetha by the way. we have a turtle-god in common!
babe my comment only went thru wen i clicked anonymous!