Friday, March 04, 2011

Here and there and EVERYwhere!

I ought to be finishing a client's project at this moment, but I couldn't resist taking a break and writing a new post. It's been ages since I wrote a new post and I blame that squarely on the number of projects that I have been working on since Jan. Being a freelance writer, of course there are plenty of times when you really want to be part of a project and you get rejected right at the start. Not a great feeling so when you DO get chosen for a project, it's such a wonderful high! I've been so busy that I didn't even get much time to catch up on reading and you know how I cannot live without books. I'm hoping I'll be able to make some time on March 18 to attend a book fair where everything will be sold at a major discount of 80%. Of course, at the rate at which I'm going, I'll probably take 2 years to get through my current lot of books, but stocking up for a rainy day never hurt anyone!

I finally made my list of resolutions. And unfortunately, I could not stick to just a few. By the time I had written down whatever I wanted to set right this year, my list numbered more than 10 resolutions. These days I have to remind myself to look my list every day so that I remember them. The main motto for this year is 'As you think, so you become.' Quite powerful and it sums up what a lot of preachers and gurus take hours to explain. One of the resolutions for this year is to pay more attention to myself physically and emotionally. When you're a woman who juggles so many roles, you tend to give so much of yourself to others that you feel burned out at the end of the day. Last year, I knew I had done so many things for my family but what had I done for myself? Not much which is why I wasn't able to shake off a deep feeling of unsatisfaction. This year I want to put in that effort to make myself happier and not to forget taking care of myself. So these days when I want to buy myself a handbag I do it without mentally calculating how much lesser my bank account figure will be. I have also started hitting the gym regularly. I long gave up the desire to lose weight and instead decided to focus on getting fit. Plenty of diseases run in my family and I want to make sure that I can healthy a few more years without succumbing to any of them. I actually began to enjoy working out because it felt that I was doing something for myself again!

The next thing I've started doing again is baking. I love baking and I regret not having explored this love of mine a bit more. I love baking a cake more than eating it myself. And for years I've wanted to buy one of those hand mixers that whisk your batter into a creamy texture. I finally did and now I use any excuse to make a cake just so that I get to use it. I also royally overlook the instructions that clearly say to whisk for only 2 minutes. I let it slip into 5 because it feels like I'm creating rippled cream that looks divine. Hubby says I'm responsible for his weight gain but what the heck, anything to use my darling hand mixer. I love it even more because it didn't cost the earth like I thought it would! So today after am done with the project, am going to try making my first blueberry cake. Last time I checked my little purple dearies were looking mightily ignored in the fridge. Now they no longer will be! and who can resist a little bit of cake batter. Why is cake batter so much more yummier than a cake? Sigh..I'll never know!

Kiddo is down with another awful viral flu which is getting all 3 of us down. Hopefully he will get back to his naughty healthy self in  a few days but for now, it's the thought of yummy baking that's keeping me going.

Till next time!

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