Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Facebook Detox Diet

Is there such a thing as the Facebook detox diet? No, there isn't and the term is merely a figment of my imagination. Although, everything about the diet is probably more realistic than fictional. Let me explain.

I can still remember the day I created an account on Facebook. No, I dont recall the exact day, date or time but I do remember my thoughts when filling in the usual standard questions. At that time I was a big Orkut fan and although everybody began to shift their loyalties to FB, I was still a stickler for the original social networking site. I also had a hi 5 account which I deleted because I honestly forgot to use it as well as a MySpace account, which again I used to forget to even check. However, I signed up for FB 'just in case'. I could never have predicted at that time just how big a control FB would have on my life later. And maybe for plenty of wrong reasons.

As you can imagine, I ended up deleting my Orkut account too because eventually like most things in life, Orkut gave in to the competition and tried too hard to become 'something else'. Gone was the clean interface and easy to read font which were now replaced with a number of customization features. FB with its boring, trademark white and blue screen seemed to have a much bigger magnetic appeal. And what a coincidence in a way, because the same faces that smiled at me from my Orkut friends list were the ones which added to my friends list on Facebook as well.

The good thing about Facebook is that you get to stay aware of what's happening in everybody's life without actually having been there in the first place. I've attended I dont know how many baptisms of new borns, shed a tear or two at weddings I never physically attended, said a prayer for those who had lost loved ones and can even claim to have visited a few foreign lands because of the pictures that were diligently posted online. What began as a celebration of the little events that make up life, according to me soon became a way to prove to others that their life was so very happy. Every little sneeze, every little booze party, every small makeover was being put up for the whole world to see. Although there have been times when I was glad that I was being allowed to celebrate with the person concerned, there were plenty of other times when I wished I had told the person upfront that too much info isn't any good anywhere.

And then came the disastrous 'like' option. To add to everybody's misery, now people could also like other people's opinions and even comment on them. The other day, somebody's dog died and there were actually 4 people who 'liked' the comment. Really? Another day a mum put up an update about her kid who was down with flu. And what have you? Another 5 people 'liked' that update too. I can now believe incidents of people suffering from FB mania or of checking their account some two hundred times a day.

For me, personally I realised that Facebook had begin to affect me in a few other ways that I never thought was harmful at first. Seeing pretty couples pose, beautiful babies being born, happy families on their nth vacation gave me the feeling that my life just wasn't Facebook worthy or even 'me' worthy. I began to compare myself in many ways to over a dozen friends who I felt had 'everything'. And it left me feeling irritated. Miserable. Angry and most importantly, ungrateful for all the blessings I never asked for but received anyway.

Like all problems, getting down to the root cause was the prime challenge. I had become so addicted to knowing what was happening in everybody else's life that I had stopped paying attention to what was happening in mine. And I just had to comment or 'like' something, no matter how silly it actually was. This may not be your story and hopefully you will never be affected the way I was, but I know that years of FB finally began rubbing me the wrong way. And hence the Facebook Detox Diet.

I decided that it was high time I got up and started appreciating what I already had and was in severe danger of losing. I may not have the picture perfect family. The shiny new car with pumped up speakers. Or amazing pics near the Tower of Pisa to show off. But as of now, it's still good to be in my shoes. And I'd like to feel that bit of reality a bit more closer before one of life's surprises knocks me in the face again.

I know that many of my friends love to hear about some funny incident which I have recounted here or some other humourous narrative that has them in splits. The humour hasn't died. But if this was truly to be Sanjana's blog, then I felt that it was also important to jot down my chain of thoughts and whatever started the fire in the first place. And yes, this is one diet that I wholly approve of!


Divya Kudua said...

True,I think I need a Facebook detox diet myself!

Parama Ghosh said...

i love reading what you write always. will you believe it Sanju, there were times when I had actually tried to figure out why I love you so much...and everytime the reasons appear before me...just like this. You are so real just like your thoughts...and so many times, I wish you were here so that I could do a 'same pinch' to you!
oh and yes, I love you sanjana george.

Priti said...

I agree with every single word you have posted above. I have felt the exact same thing. So glad to know I was not alone.

It is always a pleasure to share good things and know good things about ur friends but seriously, when it becomes as addictive as FB and so 1 dimensional (1 happy baby pic has 100's of sleepless nights, dirty diapers, etc. that's not pretty at all!, behind that big home is someone's dowry hidden, behind that foreign trip are several other sacrifices hidden, behind every smile several tears...but this is not what the mind registers) then it starts affecting one's peace of mind. Its not that one feels just feels miserable and lost. Infact I read recently in the newspaper about this research conducted that proved that Facebooking increases depression in people and makes them lose their self worth. I am done with Social Networking, I prefer keeping in touch with those I care about by regular means. I don't care to know if someone's kaamwali bai is sick, or their pizza still hasnt arrived or what they got for rakhi. LOL!

SaNjAnA said...

I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear your comments girls!! @ Divya- babe, its impossible to think of a life without FB until you get through one day without checking your account! I'm two days sober now :-p

@ Paro: awww hugs to you my sweetie pie and lots of love to you and your 'lamboo';-)) we will def meet someday and have a great time together. It's wonderful how some bonds can be created over the internet without having even met the person at all.

SaNjAnA said...

@ Priti:

Thank you for stopping by and reading the blog post Priti. Honestly, I was in two minds about whether I should write this post at all. But then I thought, what the heck! I completely understand what you mean by feeling miserable and lost, because that is exactly what I was feeling and I couldnt have put the words better myself. Its just been a few days since I started the FB Diet, and I find that I am less harsher on myself and definitely smiling more, maybe because I stopped making comparisons. And you're bang-on right! So many people actually try to 'dress' up their lives for Facebook just to keep up appearances, whereas reality may be something entirely different.

Priti said...

Hey Sanjana,

You will feel better and better...the results of this diet are unbelievable! I get more time for pursuing my hobbies and sleep more than before simply because I am saving up on time I used to spend checking any updates or thinking about them. I love my life and appreciate the little things about it :) and dont feel the need of announcing it to the world. I look better too since I am smiling more and not sulking over 'no one liked my update' anymore. LOL! To sum it up...I just feel very content and happy as I did before FB happened.

I still get all important updates via friends & relatives who check FB :D (without me asking them about it)and surprisingly it sounds all like gossip (makes me wonder if FB is just another way of generating a magazine of sorts for common people) and listening to it doesnt affect me as seeing all this on FB did.

Good luck with ur FB diet! :)Hope it brings u as much happiness as it did to me.

SaNjAnA said...

Thank you Priti! Cheers :-)

Nandita Pai said...

hehe... thats a good one there Sanjana! I cud sooo relate to it, and am sure most out there would agree to wat u have penned. We all need this detox diet every once in a while! :)

Kavs said...

Hello Sanju! Well i landed here after a long time and am glad i did! :)

I have hardly been a FB regular - sometimes I didnt even login for months together. However in the last couple months I have started checking FB like crazy, as if to make up for all the lost time! :( Your FB detox diet is something I need badly. I can see it's affecting me the same miserable way you mentioned.

Btw, it's wonderful to read you, as always. Your son looks so cute and adorable! Best wishes to you...

Since I use my abbreviated name and not use many real-life place/person references in my blog, i dont know if you'll recognize me...but you do remember your Maharashtrian classmate Ms KK in Hyd, dont you?

SaNjAnA said...

Kavita dear, it's so nice to see you visiting my blog! And there's no way I can forget you, especially because you and Kiran Mali would take off in Marathi and I would often think about my dad who used to speak the language so fluently as well!

Am really glad that you can identify with this post and honestly I've been secretly itching to log onto FB and get updated on whatever I've been missing. Would you believe it if I said that this is one mind-game battle that is seriously tough? That's just how addictive Facebook is it shows..

By the way, how's your blog doing? I remember some really sweet entries written on you and your hubby. Could you give me the link again, it's always a joy to read the thoughts of friend's you've known for a long time. Do drop by often and leave me feedback now and then, It keeps this old girl going :-)) Love and hugs- Sanju

SaNjAnA said...

@Nandita- Thank you for the sweet comments as always dear!

Kavs said...

Bang on, Sanju! :)

My old blog is still there - though badly neglected and ever hopeful that I will be more regular some day. :D (

Keep up with your diet dear, it's hard but rewarding...

And yeah, it's so much fun to find an old friend again! :)