Tuesday, September 23, 2008


So, welcome to my not the first blog. I have had three blogs in the last few years, and this is my fourth. Lets say that my first three were victims of my inability to remember some important things- such as where did I keep my cupboard key, and where is that all important file. In this case- what the heck is my password. So now you know why number four was born.

A lot has changed since the last time I wrote. I have a bonny cute little brat who has me firmly wrapped around his smile. And, I, the person who needed absolute quiet to start my machine of imagination, and who also needed two hands to type ( doesnt everybody?), has learnt to make room for a few changes- as I type this, dinner is bubbling on the stove, the maid is slopping water all over the floor, the fan is whistling his own tune and my neighbours kid is bawling her head off in Japanese. Add to this, that Iam typing out my entry with 2 digits while my son sleeps in my other arm. Kudos to me...:-)

Am going to put my son down in his cradle now, and in the 2 seconds he will take to scream, am going to switch off the stove, before the red spicy beef turns into black, spicy beef.. and I will be back tomorrow....

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