Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Last night my baby decided that he probably wasnt living up to the common belief that babies dont really have a sleep pattern until they are 6 months old; and so chose to scream the place down in the middle of the night. Now, if you are a parent and a sound sleeper like me, then you are possibly familiar with this conversation:-

( baby crying loudly)
My ears- some baby is crying.
My brain- I know some baby is crying. And it aint my baby. Why doesnt the bloody kid stop? Where the hell is the mother?

( baby cries more loudly this time)

My brain- This is all just a dream and will go away. In 2 minutes.

( Two minutes being over, the baby is now resorting to howling its tiny lungs out)

My conscience- I think you better open your eyes. 90% it could be your baby screaming.

And so I open my eyes. What have I? My hungry little boy has chosen the other alternative of cramming all four of his tiny digits into his mouth and is still howling. Needless to say, my night of sleep had been successfully buried.

How do babies know? For instance, you are about to put that first piece of cheesecake into your mouth when the first wail echoes. Or, you are even about to sit down and have dinner when the baby begins his crying? I find myself talking to the mice running around in my tummy more than to my baby. Truth of the matter is, its just a vicious circle. Our kids make our lives miserable when they are babies, and we get to return the favour when they get older. Come 13, and the revenge only gets better. And when they are forced to stay up and cram for their nonsensical exams, I am going to enjoy telling them- Sweetheart, enjoy your sleepless night. You gave me so many before..

One look at my baby who is fast asleep now ( yes after he ruined my sleep, and spoke with the fan for 2 hours), and all thoughts of future revenge are slowly evaporating. Even the wildest and brattiest baby punk on this planet will still manage to look like an innocent angel when fast asleep. As for me. I checked my eyes in the mirror today. Mother Nature put her stamp of motherhood on me again- that probably is the best explanation for my dark circle.

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