Monday, September 29, 2008

God. Some search for him all their lives. Few others know him intimately. Still few others are misled into doing wrong deeds which they feel justify the Almighty. Many others deny him. Still many others think that belief in God makes you a weaker human being. To each his own way of thinking. But the ones my heart goes out too arent the ones who deny God, but the ones who genuinely want to find him and still get misled. Enter the world of cults.

Cults have been around for centuries. Whether the word applies to music or beliefs, it is generally agreed that cult followers tilt towards extremes. Modern day life with its advances and temptations have in a way given rise to more cults all across the world. Even more intriguing are the cult figures or idols who claim not only supernatural powers but also claim that they hold the keys to heaven. Whether it was David Koresh, Warren Jeffs or Tamotsu Kin, each took advantage of the Christian belief that Christ would come again. It is truly scary to see the fervour with which people flocked to hear their messages and were willing to leave everything they had to join the 'spiritual camp'. Heaven is a word almost everybody is fascinated with. You probably cant see the place alive, but everybody has their own notions about it. Some feel heaven is on earth, some others claim you can find it in cocaine, and if you truly focus- even in chocolate. Not surprising then that priests in England, once upon a time, sucessfully intimidated the poor sections of society by telling them that if they truly wanted a place in heaven, they would have to buy it. Thus simony was born. People spent their whole lives trying to buy their own spots in heaven. The priests had a fabulous time with the money that came pouring in, till Martin Luther, spoiled their fun.

Everybody wants happiness, and some are willing to pay a dangerous price for it too. Free sex, child marriages, unwanted pregnancies, unwanted babies, rape, incest, polygamy, strict daily routines, and plenty of brainwash are just a few things modern day cults have to offer. The hardest hit are always the women and children with both expected to give in to slavish obedience. Saying no to rape isnt even an option. It is after all a 'spiritual 'experience. You would think that getting out of such a cult is easy. Well it isnt. The few lucky ones who do escape often have to resort to changing their identities frequently, living out of a suitcase and always living in fear- mainly because other cult members often hunt out such people. Moreover, it is the mental trauma that victims suffer lifelong that haunts them the most. The memories you want to forget are the ones that keep coming back. Some even go back to the same cult they once ran away from, simply because they couldnt fit in with the rest of the world.

In the end, it is we who decide and choose our idols. If we are willing to give up what matters most and live lives according to anothers dictate, then wouldnt it be right to say that we are willing to search for God, come what may. Then why is it that some find God so easily, and yet others die in doing so?

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