Monday, September 29, 2008


Men. Cant do with them and cant really do without them. Who really wants to climb a ladder just to change that lightbulb? After all, you may just chip away a little of that 100 buck manicured nail in doing so. I am yet to meet a guy who wasnt a walking primate of paradoxes. Nothing is ever good enough for them. If dinner was good enough, well it wasnt as great as the last time. You look nice in that dress but you looked even better in that short black one. After 26 years of keen observation, here's how you should expect them to really think-

1) His mother is mostly always going to be woman number 1. But theres hope for you if she used to be a psychopath or had some other offtrack problems. If not, resigning yourself to the fact that he will forever compare you to her mentally, and while he may not take a ticking from you, is likely to tuck his tail between his legs should his mother give him a dose; is something you need to accept. And if she is a great cook according to him, then its time to raid your mum's cupboards for those dusty old cookbooks.

2) Men want you to be pretty. But not thaaaat pretty. While arm candy enhances his position among other males, too much arm candy means that he will probably have to put up with other men oggling at you. You may be Sharon Stone, but your man will still not like that.

3) He will go the distance for you everytime. As long as you are dating. So enjoy those moments when he pulls out a chair for you and you think he is the sweetest man on the earth, coz, very soon a bored faced waiter will be doing you the honours.

4) He can do sadly only one thing at a time. While God gave us women the ability to do say 5 things altogether, men can do just one thing at a time. So if you gave him the task to fold the clothes and listen to you talk, well baby, its the clothes and not you who probably has his attention.

5) He wants you to be dependent on him but not too dependent. Men for some tweaked out reason love a woman counting on them for the smallest of things. If you didnt notice, all men come with invisible feathers that need to be ruffled now and then. The only problem being that if you do rely on him for the smallest of things everytime, he then calls you a drag.

6) No matter even if a man has 20 kids, if he sees a goodlooking woman, he will s t a r e. He just will. Your pinches and grumps arent going to drag his eyes away from the hourglass figure. But that also doesnt mean that you have to become a sex bomb just so that his eyes stay glued on to you forever. I bet you even Liv Tyler's man looks around occasionally.

7) He actually wants you to cook. A man who says that he is fine with getting food from that lousy chinese joint every night is probably lying. There is truthfully no better and faster way to a man's heart than through his stomach.

8) Men dream of the ultimate woman. One who is good enough to take home to mama, and who is sexy enough to hide under the bed. One who can bear his kids and still wear a 28 inch pair of shorts. One who will flirt with him but be the perfect daughter in law when his folks are around.

Like I said. Men. Cant do with them. Yet cant really do without them.

1 comment:

DrP said...

well...totally agreeing to wat u say!! guess thats practically all de men in de world u hv jz described..but wud u say ur dad was de same kind of man..?? i guess we get weid too hw much wud u want ur hubby to b a baldy with a huge huge pot belly?? or wanna agree to de fact tht he mite b right wen ur havn a fight? jz a vicious circle babe!