Friday, October 10, 2008

The gym should ONLY be for people weighing over 90 kg.

Pregnancy is Mother Nature's gift to women who love to eat. Like me. The best part is nobody really says anything and you can actually make people get up and buy you that particular chocolate bar with nuts, raisins and caramel made by thaat one chocolate company. My advice is make the most of the pampering. I recently felt like eating some ice cream and all I got was a very witty comment of- Shouldnt your cravings be over by now? I thought you just delivered a baby. That successfully killed my interest in ice cream. Atleast for that day.

So. I have started working out again.  For some reason, after you become a mother, people almost expect to see you in dresses that are twice your size, hair all over the place and what not. If you look at half the women in Singapore, you would never even say that a good number of them are mothers. The maid who comes in once a week, gave me one heart attack when she revealed that she had three married children. I could have sworn that she was only in her 30's. In fact I told her, three kids and you look like a stick. I had just one kid, and am a walking balloon. She just laughed. hmmmmm...I knew she wouldn't share the secret !!

Working out in the gym should ideally make me feel better about myself. On the contrary. The other people who come to the gym have no business to be there at all. I shall explain. The guy in the sleeveless silver tshirt and blue shorts wears the same gym wear every single day. He is so freaking thin that if I have to blow some air on him, he is likely to float away. And this modern day skeleton lifts up weights weighing a minimum of 10 kg just to pep up his thin arms. But its working for him. He actually has some small bicep buds beginning to sprout. Me? The only weight am interested in lifting is my plate of food. I have to pick up my baby by default. There is also this thin thin lady, who seriously has dots for boobs, and exactly one gram of flesh for a butt. What was she doing in the gym? My dear, she was jogging for an hour on the treadmill, burning at the end of it whatever she ate the whole week. I mean why do such people have to come to the gym at all? To make me feel fatter, am sorry plumpier? Or to show me what happens when people work out too much? Because if that is the case, then am genuinely worried. Here I am, plump old me huffing and puffing and counting every nanosecond of the thirty minutes that I work out on the treadmill for.

So, you would expect that the much needed motivation, would come from friends So, i asked them- have I lost any weight , do I look any thinner?Hmmm...You havent lost any weight as far as I can see, but you have shaped up... Huh?? Ok, people say your skin is supposed to glow when you are working out, is my skin glowing??? I dont know. What is the meaning of glowing skin?? You are looking healthier anyways... So does that mean I was looking unhealthy before? No, its just that I think you're looking healthier...  I have no clue what she meant.. Talking to mum wasnt encouraging either. The lady actually told me not to take the pains to go to the gym. Thing is she and I are in some competition to see who loses weight faster. Why does this grandmother  choose to compete with this mother than with other grandmothers her age I have no clue. If I have to ask dad who has lost weight mom or me, he is sure to say that mom is slimmer.. I stopped blaming him a long time back. After all, mom is responsible for his dinners isnt she?

What makes me smile so much is that hubby dear will always be assured that he is soooo slim, even if he actually isnt. And I will always be assured that I am fat even if am really not. After all, what are mothers for?


Divya Kudua said...

Sanju dahling!!Glad I hopped into your blog...such a nice post you've written.I agree completely.While I was on a diet-exercise regime early this year,I felt I was doing a favour to hubby coz he paid through his pockets for my dietician and my protein supplements.I really had trouble losing all that weight I had put on in 6 years of marriage.I was 48 during our wedding and I was a happy 62 in jan08.I was required to lose at least 6 kgs.It does seem strange that I never felt I was "fat" and now that I look slim to all around,I never feel that I am "slim".Btw I did lose 10 kgs and am a supposedly happy person.But all that guilt free eating has stopped now as I have to "watch what I eat" to maintain the same weight..Argh!!Isn't it unfair that you put on weight easily and struggle so hard to lose all of it..??Grrr.Love ya baby!!

Divya Kudua said...

and yeah..."dots for boobs","one gram of flesh for a butt",thats a typical Sanju touch...LOL!!!