Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I feel like a child again WHEN-

1. I suck on a lollipop. Brings back memories of childhood and cadburys.

2. Make funny faces and act silly. Which isnt hard. Just to see my baby giggle.

3. Sit on a giant wheel. I still feel on top of the world and closest to heaven when am there.

4. Dad hugs me and tells me I will always be his little girl. I dont want to grow up anymore.

5. Mum remembers something I like and makes it for me. I feel loved.

6. Mum scolds me. And then reassures me that even if I am a grandkid and she is around, I will still get a dose from her. I love the fact that I havent grown up for her as yet. Sometimes.

7.  I look through old family albums. My smile as a kid. The birthday parties. Waiting to see what presents I got. Mum and dad looking years younger.

8.  I sit on a rollercoaster. I always say I wont do it again ever but then I always do it. One more time.

9. I hear songs from old malayalam movies. They remind me of the times we sat down in front of the now extinct VCR and watched malayalam movies. The songs just stayed on.

10. My grandparents tell me tales about my childhood. I want to keep listening about how I almost ruined my aunt's makeup on her wedding day, how I loved tearing leaves from the plants, and how I could spend my full day in the kitchen with our servant.

11. I listen to some 80's english tunes. Dad and I would faithfully listen to the radio on our way to school.

12. I put my face upwards and feel the rain on my face. Fever quickly follows usually.

13. I look at my certificates and cups. Those were the times when winning meant everything and even your best friend was competition. Thankfully she no longer is.

14. I play some silly game am too old for with my baby sister. She is 11 and no longer a baby is reality. And I end up playing games am too old for. Therein lies the thrill.

15. I think of my dad's house which once was, in Bombay. I used to swing on the gate and look at what my neighbours were doing.

16. I swing on the gate in my mothers house. As a child it really swung. Now it groans and barely creeks.

17. I eat a chocolate bar. I never munch. I put one cube in my mouth and let it melt away.

18. I get a surprise present. Who doesnt love surprises?

19. When its my birthday. I still want a cake, still want everybody to sing,and I still want lots of presents. Just like my yesterdays.

20. I want to cry. And my dad and mum will allow me to bawl my head off, and comfort me at the end of it. It helps so much to know that home is always there.

 21. I look at my list of things I must do in this lifetime. Two things have been crossed. Marriage, a kid and a poetry book. Still lots more left, including someday owning a baby orangutan and  a baby elephant.

22. I talk about my dreams. Dreams are a natural anti aging ingredient !

23. When I look at pictures of my teen years. Yuck. I was fat, had the thickest specs you ever saw on a female and was always the butt of jokes.

24. I watch old childhood movies like Sound of Music, Home Alone and animated flicks like Beauty and the Beast. I once wanted to do voice overs for Disney movies. Still do. Except am more realistic about it possibly not happening now.

25. I write my diary. I still have the ones from my childhood. Someday I will gift them to my child. So that he will know the every days of his mother's life.

What makes you become a child again?

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