Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Of late, my baby boy-

1. Gives me a wide toothless grin in the morning after he wakes up. He also keeps kicking both legs in excitement.

2. He stares at the fan, kicking at the speed of 80 km per hour, probably in the hope that the energy created will enable him to float upwards.

3. Is quietly observing what am doing during his bath time.

4. Loves lying on his tummy but is too lazy to do it by himself.

5. Puts out both his hands, and makes cooing noises when he wants to be carried.

6. Loves looking at the fish tank, the plants, and the fake white orchids.

7. Has started to giggle.

8. Loves sounds that can be made using the mouth. like burrp, bbbrrrrrr and especially whistling.

9. Is a little master at making the bbrrrrr sound.

10. Cant tolerate hunger ( now where did he get that from I wonder??).

11. Loves to pee in my lap.

12. Wants to be spoken to all the time and cant take being ignored.

13. Loves playing with his dad.

14. Makes little sounds that makes him startle too.

15. Likes tasting whatever am eating.

16. Already has a fascination for phones and cameras.

17. Cries when the car stops at a traffic light. He thinks the car moves on hearing him cry.

18. Doesnt like simply sitting. He wants the pram moving at all times.

19. Gets bored too easily.

20. Loves the Barney toy which sings a song.

21. Hates getting his nails cut.

22. Gently snores in his sleep. 

23. Wants to be assured that I am always near him.

24. Loves massaging his own head while drinking cerelac.

25. Hates being in his crib for long.

26. Doesnt want to bother crawling, he wants to walk right now !

27. Yells at me in baby language when we cant understand what he wants.

28. Loves admiring his little fists.

29. Doesnt bother with sucking only his thumb. For him its all 5 fingers or nothing at all.

30. Has the cutest baby yawn in the world....


Divya Kudua said...

Oh so cute Sanju..I esp love this one.."5. Puts out both his hands, and makes cooing noises when he wants to be carried."You seem to be enjoying every moment of it!!

Unknown said...

wow,u bring back old memories of my son. yeah every moment is a very memorable and they always makes us smile...treasure them always....