Saturday, October 04, 2008

I just realised that-

1) When I wake up in the mornings, I look at my sleeping baby and think that I am so lucky to be his mother. And I quietly thank God in my mind.
2) After the delivery, I am losing quite a bit of my precious mane. I didnt think I was that much a fuss pot about losing hair now and then, till I had a freakout session on wednesday.
3) I am quite serious about keeping this blog up and running.
4)  I still suck at making resumes, and I probably wouldnt hire myself on reading the one am working on now.
5)  I am now a mother. But I have no intentions of walking around in attire that signifies I am nearing my expiry date. I still dream of the sexy halter necks and hot pants. DREAM is the word to focus on. Reality still laughs at me.
6)  I am serious about my gym workouts. Main reason being that I can get to lip sync to my favourite songs.
7) Lady Marmalade is one of my favourite numbers. I cant get the lyrics right but I do mouth- Voulez-vous couchez avec moi, quite ok.
8) I miss french. And I blame myself for letting lose of my hold on a lingo I dearly loved. So, am going to sniff out some good sites which will  help me get back my fluency.
9) I should have taken more effort to learn Spanish and Italian on my own. What made me spend so much on Learn it Yourself books?
10) I want to travel the world. With my baby. Europe is still on my list although I dont know if its do-able anymore.
11) I want to get a bit more drunk in ambition and release a second book of poems.
12) I was a fool in MBA to think that a job would make me really happy. The happiest days were then and there, when I was surrounded by people who mattered and dad was footing the bills.
13) I feel sad about not clearing up some past mess with people I genuinely cared about. And it hurts that they probably think I was one bitch who used their goodness to my advantage. But I am not a manipulator. And it was never meant to end that way. But it did. And it hurts a lot.
14) When I think about mom, dad and nikki, I get this faraway look in my eyes, and I get misty-eyed.
15) You dont always need to bow your head in prayer when you want to connect with the Almighty. Last night, I sat on a bench under the stars and was just talking quietly. He was listening I can tell.
16) There arent many places left on earth where you can be truly by yourself. Either its a person, a car or an insect to take away the silence.
17) I want my baby to be all the things I am not. And all the things I am.
18) My son is the only person in my world to love me without any compromises. Just me being there is good enough for him.
19) I am still not the kind of person to stay at home. A lot of the time I am battling my own restlessness. Mostly I lose.
20) Being a mother is the hardest role I have ever played. And I can never afford to fail.

1 comment:

Nandita Pai said...

awesome Sanju! :)