Thursday, October 02, 2008

Its been ages since I last went shopping and concentrated only on myself. Of late, picking up things anywhere has mostly just been about the baby or the flat. So, it was a welcome change to hear hubby say- lets go shopping for just you today. Somewhere I knew I once remembered the feeling, but somewhere again I just didnt. We decided to try out the mall not far from where we live.

Vivo City. Its a world away from the one we live in. You walk and drag yourself from one shop to another not realising just how much you are walking. Its only when you sit down for a minute that you realise just how tired your legs really are. Well, the agenda for today was to buy clothes for meself. Style is such a personal statement dont you think? What I wore yesterday wasnt what I would have worn 4 years back and vice versa. I keep swearing am going to become a slim beauty and squeeze myself into fashion wear reserved for skeletons, but my body plans otherwise. Who doesnt love a good bargain? Fila had some great tshirts and even nicer discounts.  Since when did Sanjana really bother about who liked what she wore?

Back to the shopping. If shopping is truly about me for a day, then it has to involve books. Books. Books. Books. So many to read. Too many to own. And not enough moolah to do it. This mall had two bookstores. I happened to come across the biggest one first- Page one. Awesum. If a bookstore has to be called awesum by me, it has to meet certain criterias. First, it has to be spacious, with clear indications of what is where. Second it has to be huge. Third, the staff should be willing to help out and not run away each time you approach them. But the fourth is the sweetest. A bookstore that has a book you have been looking for ages, tends to stay longer in your mind. Well this place had a great Indian authors section and an enormous non fiction section too. I love historical biographies. Theres no better way to learn history and savour it than by reading it like a story with all the flava put in. Antonia Fraser and Irving Stone are two of my favourite historical biographers. Marie Antoinette was one queen I loved to hate till Fraser wrote a book about her and gave her a total image makeover. One of my favourites by Stone is 'The agony and the ecstasy", about the great Michaelangelo. I truly think Michaelangelo lived a second life through that book; thats how powerful it is. Anyways. After 45 minutes of wandering, I settled on four novels- Rani, Mary Queen of Scots, Atonement, Antony and Cleopatra. Iam yet to walk into a bookstore and come out with just one book in hand.

Also decided to treat myself to DKNY's latest perfume- Delicious Night, which is simply great. I have this fetish for berries of late, and this perfume has its comforting and sweet notes. Shopping truly massages the mind and ego. I think the kick is more when you dont indulge that often. In the end we had no clue where 5 hours had gone but had plenty of bags to account for it.

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