Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why do the best things in life come with a price??

I grumble. A lot. Grumbling is good. Great for letting out steam and even better when you want to seriously reflect on something. So you are being warned. This is a piece drenched in grumble.

Why do all the best things in life come with a price?? Dont believe me? Ok, love comes with pain. A child comes with labour pain. Babies come with poop, pee and sleepless nites. A husband comes with............ whatever you want to fill in the blank... ok lets move away from human beings. An ice cream comes with calories. Money comes with bills. Growing up comes with responsibilities. Even a car comes with maintenance issues. Neighbours come with unwanted habits. Pets come with their own attitudes. Even that gorgeous Valentino gown comes with a tag I can probably afford after I work at four jobs. Working at a day job comes with office competition, and working from home comes with a lot of tension as to where the next paycheck is going to come from. The list could go on and on..

This is one of those awful days for me. Awful because am thinking about my birthday cake. Heres a pic. Doesnt it look divine? check out the soft light cream, the juicy cherries and the yummy chocolate shavings. Can you blame me for grumbling about the calories it comes with and how hard I have been working at the gym, and how digging into that lovely piece will definetly send me on a high but is also going to hug my waistline? The guy who makes these pastries knows his cakes well. The right Black Forest sits lightly on your tastebuds, never too heavy and just rightly light. The more I type, the more am drifting away. You know what... what the heck... life is short, comfortably short. I am going to walk into that shop and buy one, maybe two and dig into it. ..... and after am done, theres always room to grumble about the weirdos around me who can hog for two and still look underfed.

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