Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Gym weirdo of the day

Since I spend or atleast try to spend a max of 30 mins everyday at the gym, I have come across some very illuminating characters. I am very thrilled to say that the complex I live in has people from different races, communities and religions. When some of them turn up to work out, you can expect some humour to take place at the last place you thought you would find it- the humble gymnasium. Full of machines designed to help you discover muscles and bones ( am still looking for my funny bone !) that you didnt know existed and to make you or atleast help make you slim, trim and bicepey. Then why is it that I can never seem to focus on those fat burning agents than the people who work out? Well simply because people do weird things at the gym.

Today's hero is a balding 30 plus something , slim gentleman. Well, when I entered the gym, he was walking like a normal homosapien, on the treadmill. Nothing unusual about it. In ten minutes, he was doing a mild jog. Still nothing unusual. In fifteen minutes he was running. For his life and health. Literally. Still nothing unususal. AND THEN, as he picked up speed on the treadmill, he stretched out both his arms to both sides and then began to flap them hard. Like a bird. Worse he had this expression of absolute bliss on his face. Now picture that, isnt it funny?? While I was trying hard to control my giggles, these are few of the reasons as to his very ubnormal behaviour-

1) He mistook the poor treadmill to be a helicopter launch pad or an airport runaway.
2) He was trying to disprove the theory of gravity holding you down.
3) He had invisible wings?
4) He is an athlete who was inspired today by a bird.
5) Some other person told him about how he himself had risen up in the air a few centimetres after attempting the same act.
6) Our poor hero likes to do insane things in the hope that nobody else notices. Unfortunately I did.

Well. I laughed even harder once I came out of the gym. I never saw that gentleman after that. Am kinda worried that even if i did, I may laugh out loud again. Very rude on my part I know. But he holds the distinction of being the first gym weirdo on my blog !

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