Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Green Tea diet failure

So now that the fetish for mangoes which was driving everyone in the house mad is over, I've now shifted my loyalties to the humble payasam or kheer or vermicelli pudding as it is called. With our beloved harvest festival of Onam in the air, it's that time of the year for our paddy fields to don their greenest cloaks, for us to celebrate the best of Kerala vegetarian cuisine and of course, it's also that time when you're allowed to gulp down endless cups of payasam without any mention whatsoever of weight gain!

Which brings me to another much debated and worn out topic of discussion- weight gain. How I wish for the umpteenth time that I was one of those people who could hog like the world was about to experience a famine of the worst kind from the next day and still sashay around in figure hugging dresses and heels. But, sadly that was never meant to be for me, and although I have gotten around to the idea that even the mighty Creator needs a few laughs now and then, it hasn't stopped me from thinking of a quick-fix solution. So, I gave in to the 'green tea' mania which was guaranteed to work and burn off fat and all that. In Singapore, in fact, I even stopped drinking water and used to sip that yucky bitter brew straight from a jar because I thought losing a few fat cells here and there was something my body could give up easily. And since this is MY body we're talking about, I also figured that a measly 4 cups of green tea everyday would simply not work for me (Try convincing your mind to drink something when you actually want to puke so bad). After one week of torturing my taste-buds and putting my already fragile mental strength through such barbaric treatment, I gave up and promptly dunked all the remaining green tea sachets, where they belong in my world that is- in the dustbin :-)

 BUT reading about how effective green tea has been for so many other mums who were slogging to lose all that post pregnancy weight, of course the little devil who resides in half my brain had to make me feel guilty about it as well. ' How come others are able to do it, whereas you aren't? was the one question on my mind. I needn't have gone through so much of self-questioning anyways, because a certain smartypants working in Parry's came up with a fantastic idea- What if you could get all the benefits of green tea in a capsule and save yourself and other unfortunate family members from the possible side-effects (read complaints and non stop grumbles) of consuming the actual drink?? So, yes, I confess, I am now getting my green tea kicks from the humble capsule and although I have been on it for a week, I am yet to see any visible signs of anything whatsoever melting. Although, I have been feeling much more hungrier of late and royally giving into it as well, which again contradicts the prime reason for taking green tea capsules at all :-(

On a happier note, it's been raining kittens and puppies here and the weather is simply gorgeous. It's really grand to snuggle under the blanket for an extra 5 minutes or to hold a steaming mug of coffee between my palms and watch the raindrops fall so close to me. My little boy and I walk to the bus-stop everyday and I realised that he enjoys jumping in every puddle he sees. So although he has the wickedest smile on his face and giggles to himself, I being the strict parent obviously tell him not to do that, but inside I'm secretly enjoying the way he is acting his age. There's a certain freedom and joy and discovery all at once. Please note that he is also the reason why my otherwise white as snow pyjamas have also turned brown in colour. But pyjamas be damned. Childhood comes just once in a lifetime. ;-)


Kavs said...

Sanju - you are a tall girl, I hope you arent comparing your body weight with the average 5 foot, 3 inchers. Btw, I have always been jealous of tall people. ;)

I have recently read Rujuta Divekar's book and one of my friends achieved her fitness goals thanks to the book's mantra of eating well and regularly than to starve the body. You can take a look if you want.

SaNjAnA said...

Hey Kavs, I adore Rujuta too. And I tweaked my eating habits according to her mantras. Finally, there was somebody who wrote a diet book keeping Indian's love for food in mind!! And guess what, Ive always been jealous of short people. I never get clothes and shoes my size yaar :-(