Wednesday, June 16, 2010

As a Writer

Ever so often, I meet people who ask me what I do for a living. You should see the way their eyebrows go up whenever I say I'm a freelance writer. I can almost hear the thoughts that are being processed by their respective brains. ' Oh, so you don't have a real job. You're just a writer.' Now I know why such great writers like Jane Austen and almost everybody we are told to write like these days, were often scorned publicly when they said they were writers. I once thought that saying I was a poet would get me an ounce of respect. And what a mistake that was. ' A poet? So you sit and dream all day?' I was once asked. I honestly wanted to punch the great personality who asked me that. However I would like to set the record straight once and for all. I'm honestly fed up of justifying my stand as a freelance writer, why I chose to become one and everything else that follows. So here goes.

- A freelance writer is not someone who failed to get a 9-5 job. Instead it is someone who chose to make writing a profession- the hard way.

- Yes, I could have worked at a day job but prefer working in my pyjamas and cooking at the same time.

- What I earn isn't called pocket money. It's called a salary.

- Yes, there's plenty of competition. In fact, my competitors aren't confined to one country. I compete with writers on a global scale.

- Yes, writing is really a profession. And just because I'm my own boss doesn't mean that it isn't a full time job , so to speak.

- And no. Being a freelance writer doesn't mean I'm on a permanent holiday. It simply means that just like you I too have deadlines and cranky clients, perks and lots of over time as well.

The biggest drawback I would point out of a freelance writer's life is that you can never say where your next assignment is going to come from. Or WHEN. There were times when I would become really depressed at the lack of work. And then from somewhere would come around 5 different projects all at once, sweeping me in a flurry of work. There are other times when my brain refuses to dream or conjure up the kind of creativity a client expects from me. And there are others when my head wants to write but doesn't know what to. However, I've learnt to ride the wave, if I can say that. I realized that not having many projects at once wasn't such a bad thing after all. I usually don't have much time for writing poetry these days, which always plagues me with guilt because it was through poetry that I experienced the first joys of writing. I have a dozen ideas swarming in my head, and the best time to put them down is when I don't have other people's projects to work on. I also want to explore writing a few more stories for kids. Having one of my own means that I dream of becoming a better story teller for him as he grows older. And best of all, not having much work also means that I get to write this blog of mine. Which was started because somebody told me I was funny; another pal pepped me up by telling me I always had funny things to write about; so on and so forth. Honestly, I just wanted my little space on the web to spill out my thoughts and make sense of them as well as keep this outlet alive and kicking. Till next time..cheers


Unknown said...

Go Sanju!
For all those who expressed these 'normal(?)'-opinions on your writing career,hope u smack them on their FACES with your writings (if they can a>READ and then b>UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY JUST READ)..ur the best!!!

Nandita Pai said...

Hey Sanju, its me again... am on a reading frenzy and ur blog is the chosen one for that! hehe :) I am so happy to hear u r a poet as well... believe it or not... i too started my writing odyssey by discovering the joy of writing poetry! :) Been writing since the age of ten... oh my, its really lovely to find another writer like me. Sanju, if u dont mind, i wud love to get some pointers on the freelancing u do. I have been in IT for 5 yrs now and the past yr has seen me trying to shift into writing and making a career for myself in the field i love the most! ur write up gav me a boost! Do write in anytime u find time, wud love to get valuable pointers!

Nandita :)