Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gluttony is NOT a sin- sometimes it can lead you straight to the doors of Heaven

Before I write another word, let me tell you this. If you are a foodie like me who loves his/her appetizers, soups, main course, desserts and anything that can be eaten; then this blog post is dedicated to you. I've been on a one dame mission here trying to convince people that gluttony is anything but a sin. For starters, how can it be wrong to love? Or indulge? And in this case we're talking something that won't bite you back, hurt you, make rude comments or laugh at you- F O O D. Exactly what were people thinking of when some priest who probably had a case of diarrhea on the one particular day, declared that gluttony was to be one of seven deadly sins that humans should stay away from? I can think of at least four other ' sins' that should have made the final cut. How about  hypocrisy, manipulation, pervert-ism and bitching for starters? Seems to me that they all do much more harm than a plate of enticing food.  How come they were deemed ok by society and all things edible had to pick up the slack instead???

Now back to food. I don't know about you, but I simply cannot stand cookery shows or chefs who sample one spoon of a dish and then proceed to explain it in a minimum of 500 words. Cookery shows make me feel hungry and make my senses misbehave. As my eyes take in the dish, I start hearing imaginary things, can almost taste the dish in my mouth, am even touching the plate and inhaling its wonderful imaginary aroma. See I told you I'm a glutton, I mean foodie.

I have a natural resistance to the very thought of trying out recipes that's somebody else's original idea. I don't know why. Part of me says that my stubborn streak and inability to listen to other people's views have simply spilled onto cooking as well. I'm a good cook. I know that for sure because unlike other thin chefs who could do with some fattening ( other than Jamie Oliver. Now there's a dude who seriously loves food. It shows!!!), I'm plump, I LIKE my cooking and so did my husband till yesterday. My sister raves about my dishes especially my lasagne which is unlike anything she has eaten ( simply because as pointed above its not made like a regular lasagne) and other impromptu specialties of mine like an omelette pancake. There have been times when my experiments have gone wrong and what I had in mind did not translate onto the dish. However other than the one time when I dumped a whole lot of burnt pasta which both hubby and baby refused to be force fed, I stand up for each and every cooking experiment of mine gone wrong or turned out right.

As with everything else that's good in life ( think love, marriage, parenthood, a job), you can always expect some strings to be attached. For every chocolate ice cream lavished with fresh cream, there are the calories that keep ticking. Worse- somebody is always waiting to remind you about those unwanted enemies like the thought hadn't dashed across your mind already. In my case, its always my husband and father. However, selective hearing is a skill I recommend everybody learn. You never know when it comes in handy!
It reminds me of what I once told my friend when we were passing by a bakery. Bakers are people who appreciate food  and know just how to entice poorly will powered foodies like me. They place the best pies, the creamiest pastries and the yummiest treats in a glass display all waiting to be bought, mostly right beside the door. How many times as a child, as a broke student, as an employee with a low bank balance and even as a mother I have shamelessly stood outside bakeries and just thought. I may seem like a slob with no money and with even less self control to the world, but what you can't hear is the battle that goes on inside-

Good Angel- C'mon Sanju. Stop Staring. Get away. Remember your New Year's Resolution to lose weight.

Bad Angel- So what's new? She's been keeping the same resolution for the past 7 years. Sanju, just look at those pastries. Too good to pass up.

Good Angel- Will you for once show some restraint and walk away?

( and here comes the killer statement that decides it all)

Bad Angel- You know Sanju. Those pastries are just WAITING to be eaten and enjoyed.

Before you know it, my legs are walking in a different direction and in no time I have a pack of pastries with a huge smile on my lips. Good Angel shakes her head and gives up whereas Bad Angel has won this round.

But that's my story. I can't tell you how secretly proud I was to find that my 2 year old has inherited my foodie genes. He knows good food when he sees it and stuffs his mouth before it disappears down somebody else's tummy. With all the fuss about healthy eating, getting slim and what not; I was worried that the love for food ended with me. No worries any more!

Gluttony doesn't deserve to be called a sin. If you're in the right place with the right meal in front of you and great company for added fun; believe me heaven couldn't be any closer. :-)


Divya Kudua said...

Oh Boy!!Such a wonderful wonderful post Sanju!!I truly agree with you,just how people resist good food thinking about the weight and calories is something beyond me!!I love you for this post darling!!

SariUnplugged! said...

Spoken like a true Virgo..:-)Guess only when it comes to women, gluttony, to most people, becomes a sin!!!In which case, Im guilty as charged...;)

Love your flow of thoughts and writing.You have a gift and hats off to you for making the best use of it!!!Keep writing...