Tuesday, September 30, 2008


While I have been receiving quite a bit of feedback on last night's article about men and their quirks; a large number did admit to whatever was written but also justified that women have their minus points too. Totally agree. Just like there's yin for yang, and black for white, men have some nice and great things about them too. And no this isnt some feel good article for those who felt sore about yesterday's piece. It is simply reflections put down in words.

Having studied in an all girls college for my graduation I was honestly very anxious about leaving home to do my MBA in a co ed. I have heard lot of girls say from time to time that a college is no fun without boys, but believe me we never felt the vacant space in my graduation college. Sure there was nobody to oggle and make comments about, but back then life was about literature, lots of college fests and what not. Well my entry into MBA was made even more controversial with the presence of my baby sister. We have a good 15 year age gap between us, and more often than not, she gets mistaken for my daughter, especially when she is on my lap. Not surprising then that Naveen, one of my best pals today was all praise for my 'husband's' liberal attitude in letting me study further. For the next two years at MBA, I was often teased to bits about the age gap but all in good humour.

The thing about studying with so many guys is that you get to learn quite a bit about them. Some things you appreciate and some you dont. Some guys you can identify with and some just go over your head. If my understanding about guys is right, then I must say that mostly they are good and quick judges about character. Of girls in particular. They know who are the ones you cant mess around with, who are the ones you can make a pal for life, who are the ones who just want a good time, and so on. I wasnt sure which category I wanted to fall into myself. While I didnt want any guy to think that he could play around with me, I didnt want to appear a snooty and a stuck up character either. I must say that the guy friends I found and made, are friends for life. And it is to them, that this 'list of good quirks is dedicated to-

1) Guys make good pals. They really do. They know just what to say ( mostly) and how to say it. Sometimes they can give you really great solutions to a problem, just when you need it. And if they are in the right mood, they are great listeners too.

2) Guys are likely to help you out more than other girls. Everytime I needed help with my studies it was my guy pals who let me know they were there if I needed them. I can think of countless times, the bengali gang sat down to explain finance to me, because everything flew successfully over my head in class. And they did the explaining with utmost patience.

3) Most guys are straight and to the point. Which is great, because if they say you are looking good, it means you are looking good. Unless that compliment was from a person who is interested in you, in which event, he has more things on his mind.

4) Guys are great to hang out with. A night out with the guys means lots of fun, without the malicious or bitchy gossip. Its booze, great food, music and general chit chat tempered with plenty of jokes, which makes the night unforgettable.

5) Guys love food. Which is great because he is likely to share some with you or let you order your own, if you two are meeting for a chat.

6) They want to appear like they have the answers to everything but they do worry about getting the details right. A guy can never be assured enough. Did you like that dress he got you? I mean you reay did like it right? You will wear it right? If a guy is into you, he will really think hard about what to get you. And if you didnt like what he got you, trust me, he will notice that too.

7) Most guys love having a girl for a friend too. Not all guys look at girls like they are temples of walking sex, you know. Lots of them know how to earn a girl's respect just by being themselves, and enjoy spending time with their girl- friends too.

8) Guys will stick up for you. Whether its bitching happening behind your back, or some comment that is really unworthy of you, a true guy pal will always stand by you.

9) They dont mind lending you money now and then. Which is great, because if you run out of dough for that burger, chances are that your guy pals will step in to do the needful. And most of them dont exactly wait to get the loan back either, as long as its not running into a few thousands.

10) They are protective about girls. If you are a bit worried about getting home past 1:00 am, a guy pal will be more than glad to escort you wherever you want. In fact many times you wont even need to ask.

So there's 9 reasons to make a nice guy your pal. Am sure there are more, but I put down the best things about them. This is my way of saying thank you to my guy pals out there. They know who they are. :-)

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