Monday, November 10, 2008

Something out of the blue-

I love listening to the radio. Class 95 actually talks openly about issues in marriage ( like sex, children, working mothers) and that kind of makes me feel like the radio station is more of a friend than being just about music. Today, they were talking about an interesting blog site called which has open confessions and blog entries from married men who visit hookers secretly. Best part is that the entries are all anonymous. Its been long since i wrote a decent poem. A poem to be called decent by me, has to be on a topic people dont usually write about and has to be good. I have high standards as far as 'good' is concerned, so inspite of the fact that I have written 100 plus poems till date, the ones I can actually show the world number not more than maybe 30?

So, I visited the site. More out of curiosity and also because I needed some inspiration. Poets always need to be inspired by events, people, something happening, or something unusual. Its been long since I got properly inspired by something or somebody else other than my kid. Barrack Obama may be inspiration for a lot of people, but not good enough for me. Anyways. The site has as they said on the radio- entries and confessions from men who go and pay for sex. Lots of bits about how their first time was, and more importantly WHY they do it. For some its the thrill. For others its because they dont get enough at home. For most others its because they just want the experience. Of all the entries I scanned through looking for inspiration, there was this one entry that caught my eye, and made me smile. It stood out, it had enough spice to be put down in a poem and I had never read anything like that before. You can read the whole entry on the blog if you want but heres the reason for why this guy goes to hookers, that I found simply interesting-

I grew up devoutly religious. My religion taught me that sex was sacred and not to be trifled with. Something about the forbidden fruits there that created an obsession. Since losing my faith, I discovered that many others in my faith and other similar authoritarian based faiths also were plagued by this same obsession. I was warned all the time about the evils of pornography and petting and fornication. Tsk. Gasoline to the fires of curiosity.

Now there's an interesting argument. Can too much of religion and moral teaching actually make a person swing the other way?

When you come across an idea for a poem, every poet wants to sit down, think it out and write it down. Easier said than done when you have a 5 month old baby trying to crawl, scream and eat all at the same time. So, my next mission was to put the baby to sleep as soon as possible.. Once I did that, here's the poem that was born-


Mother wouldn’t approve am sure,

Of this sexy, young vixen in bed with me,

She isn’t my wife or anybody I care about,

Just this good-looking hooker I happened to see.

Mother always said that sex was sacred,

Only to be had with a goody wife,

Boyish urges were cruelly chained,

To give me a good character in life.

Looking or thinking were out of bounds,

The forbidden fruits lay outside my door,

Forcibly shut to my eyes and mind,

In case I sinned some more.

My marriage was over before it began,

To that simple gentle dove,

The staunch teachings of my mother’s faith,

Ensured I didn’t know how to love.

I stuttered and went speechless,

Each time she came to give me a kiss,

My mother’s shrieks came to mind,

About how all affection was amiss.

I left that town to discover,

The emotions I never knew,

To become a student and learn,

Lessons in love few.

So why this hooker you ask,

Because she will do as you please,

Everytime I think of walking away,

Am down on bended knees,

I am too wasted to love again,

But she will never judge me,

In the morning before I hate myself,

She gets up to leave,

Its in those few hours of lust,

That I hear the chains break free,

Those awful mind shackling fetters,

That mother’s faith had put on me.

Am all smiles.. Tell me what you thought about the poem..

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